All the Things… New York Jazz and More

Exploring New York City and Brooklyn jazz scene


with 7 comments

Blog of a jazz enthusiast.

I mean to represent the listener‘s point of view and collect my impressions, thoughts, ideas, tips etc on listening. There are tons and tons of great jazz players, but my goal is to maximize the enjoyment of listening… For sure, I will be subjective with my conclusions, but hey, I think having a multitude of honest opinions will only be a healthy thing. I want to draw my own conclusions on music, not rely on mainstream media or critics polls nor hype among musicians themselves.

I try to seek out and enjoy NY’s best concerts, on and off the beaten track and map the way while I’m doing it.

I also try to find the best records to listen and learn more about the details and nuances of the music, to enjoy listening to them even more.

A little bit about me – I studied jazz in Estonia (playing guitar, mostly) but at some point realized that to really understand more about this music, one has to come to New York: and so I did. I don’t really play that much these days (after realizing how difficult it is, I guess:D), but I’m still really passionate about great music.

Idee  New Yorki tulla sai alguse umbes jõulude ajal, 2008, kui ühel järjekordsel rahulikul õhtul Viljandis lugedes Fitzgeraldi raamatut “The Beautiful and Damned” ja kuulates Coltrane’i albumit Live at Birdland, mõistsin ühtäkki, et hoopis New York on see koht, kus tahaks olla! Ajajärk on nüüd muidugi teine… – aga arvatavasti on see endiselt üks põnevamaid linnu maailmas?

Ja kuidas ma nii kauaks sain tulla ja mis nipiga ma siin üleüldse tööd võin teha? Vastus on nimelt selline, et tulin J-1 viisaga (www., millega võib ka tööd teha teatud aja vältel.


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Written by Ines

April 16, 2009 at 10:54 am

7 Responses

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  1. Väga lahe! New York City on tõesti vapustav koht (kahju, et ma seal veel viibinud pole) ja blogi lugeda Teie tegemiste kohta on ju ääretult tore.
    Jõudu ja jaksu.


    May 17, 2009 at 12:05 pm

  2. beautiful, very intresting. I love jazz music and when i can, i go to n.y…i’m from milan. Ciao…i will read all your future post (sorry for my english)


    July 17, 2009 at 8:59 am

  3. Tervitus, Ines!
    Just hiljuti mõtlesin, et huvitav millega tegeled – päris äge nüüd näha, et oled oma tegemistega suisa NY’sse välja jõudnud 🙂

    Lauri K.

    August 31, 2009 at 9:41 am

    • oo, tsau Lauri 🙂 tore kuulda Sinust… pole ikka päris ammu näinud tõesti 😀


      September 1, 2009 at 4:11 am

  4. Hi, nice to meet you !


    September 22, 2010 at 2:15 am

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