All the Things… New York Jazz and More

Exploring New York City and Brooklyn jazz scene

Posts Tagged ‘Harlem

Andy Arnold trio @ the Shrine

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Andy Arnold trio @ the ShrineGreat music and a great audience @ the Shrine in Harlem (Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd. @ 133-134 st) – Andy Arnold (guitar and compositions), Moto Fukushima (electric bass), Jared Schonig (drums). I would say at least two of the three of them sounded as if they were in love. Lots of good energy and hip playing 😀 And I found a $4 margarita. Was quite strong but way too sweet.

Written by Ines

November 5, 2009 at 3:08 pm

Friday Night: Breezin’ in Harlem

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The Shrine

The Shrine

Spent a lovely evening (the weather was really fine for a change) with Gordon Polatnick’s Jazz Tour in Harlem.  As Gordon Polatnick said, there is no place like Harlem – I totally agree. It is so much different from any other NY neighborhood.  Gordon has this really relaxed laid-back kind of humor and a lot of connections all around Harlem – which make the tours a lot of fun besides being informative. We had a nice walk through some important spots from the early history of jazz,  followed by a really nice east-asian/mediterranean/mexican/african tasting dinner at a place called the Shrine (with live jazz music that evening, but it’s generally more like a world music venue) at 133-134 St. I really liked the place a lot, it had a great fresh and lively vibe going on.

St Nick's Pub

St Nick's Pub

Afterwards, it was back to St Nick’s Pub with the group. I think it was the house band playing, standards like “All of Me” and so on. It was nice, but a little later I felt like going for some more adventurous kind of music, so I started for John Zorn’s Improvisation Night at a club called the Stone (in East Village). I actually didn’t make it further that 2 blocks from St. Nick’s – there I met a really beautiful stanger and for even for my own surprise joined him for his party in Harlem.  I think he was a mix black and Spanish and turned put to be an amazing dancer. Besides some wild dancing we had a couple of beers and a smoke (they were looking for a roommate and I almost moved in with him and a white girl who was also living there – we would have formed a real crazy power trio) and then returned to St. Nick’s a little before midnight. The band that was playing there was just amazing – it was so groovin’ that you could eat pure love out of the air!  One of my top groove experiences ever 🙂  They were playing songs like George Benson’s Breezin’ ,  light and happy love music. I’m really a fan of St.Nick Pub and Harlem now. Incredible place.

Written by Ines

May 16, 2009 at 10:00 pm

Friday Night: Breezin' in Harlem

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The Shrine

The Shrine

Spent a lovely evening (the weather was really fine for a change) with Gordon Polatnick’s Jazz Tour in Harlem.  As Gordon Polatnick said, there is no place like Harlem – I totally agree. It is so much different from any other NY neighborhood.  Gordon has this really relaxed laid-back kind of humor and a lot of connections all around Harlem – which make the tours a lot of fun besides being informative. We had a nice walk through some important spots from the early history of jazz,  followed by a really nice east-asian/mediterranean/mexican/african tasting dinner at a place called the Shrine (with live jazz music that evening, but it’s generally more like a world music venue) at 133-134 St. I really liked the place a lot, it had a great fresh and lively vibe going on.

St Nick's Pub

St Nick's Pub

Afterwards, it was back to St Nick’s Pub with the group. I think it was the house band playing, standards like “All of Me” and so on. It was nice, but a little later I felt like going for some more adventurous kind of music, so I started for John Zorn’s Improvisation Night at a club called the Stone (in East Village). I actually didn’t make it further that 2 blocks from St. Nick’s – there I met a really beautiful stanger and for even for my own surprise joined him for his party in Harlem.  I think he was a mix black and Spanish and turned put to be an amazing dancer. Besides some wild dancing we had a couple of beers and a smoke (they were looking for a roommate and I almost moved in with him and a white girl who was also living there – we would have formed a real crazy power trio) and then returned to St. Nick’s a little before midnight. The band that was playing there was just amazing – it was so groovin’ that you could eat pure love out of the air!  One of my top groove experiences ever 🙂  They were playing songs like George Benson’s Breezin’ ,  light and happy love music. I’m really a fan of St.Nick Pub and Harlem now. Incredible place.

Written by Ines

May 16, 2009 at 10:00 pm

Neljas pĂ€ev – Harlem

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Image107Magasin pĂ€ris kaua, sest viimasel ajal pole veel kordagi enne 2AM  koju jĂ”udnud. KĂ€isime Christine’iga toidupoes.  Selgus, et teistel on oma toas eraldi kĂŒlmkapid (mis on vist Ameerikas tavaline) ja sellepĂ€rast köögi kĂŒlmkapp nii tĂŒhi ongi.
Õhtuks oli mul kokku lepitud kokkusaamine Gordon Polatinickuga, kellega olin juba Eestist e-maili teel suhelnud, et tema jazz tours tegevusest osa vĂ”tta ( Õnnetuseks ajasin segi kokkusaamise koha – see muutus mitu korda ja mul jĂ€igi lĂ”puks valesti meelde… Mina lĂ€ksin Sheratoni, mis asub W 53rd St ja umbes 20 minutit enne kella kukkumist tuli meelde, et koht oli hoopis Apollo Theater (W125 St) Harlemis. Siis oli vĂ€ike paanikamoment. VĂ”tsin esimese hooga takso, aga sain ĂŒsna pea aru, et taksoga kuluks vist kohale jĂ”udmiseks tunde… Meeletu liiklus. Ja siis ma vĂ”tsin A Train-i 😀 mis teadupĂ€rast viib Harlemi. Ehkki enam mitte Sugar Hilli nagu vanasti. Aga jah A Train is the quickest way to Harlem :D! Ekspress. JĂ”udsin Ă”igeks ajaks…
KĂŒlalisteks oli kaks bussitĂ€it kanada Ă”pilasi (mingist kooli jazzbandist). GP viis nad Harlemi ajaloolistesse kohtadesse, kus New Yorgi jazz on alguse saanud, kuid praegu tĂ€iesti unustatud. Oli nimelt teatud kohad, kus omal ajal kĂ”ik hĂ€ngisid :), suitsetasid, bĂ€ndiliikmeid vĂ€rbasid. Kokkusaamiste mÀÀramise kohaks oli tavaliselt “on the corner“, mis tĂ€hendas konkreetset tĂ€navanurka Harlemis. Harlem on endiselt vĂ€ga ehe koht, mustade rajoon, vĂ€rvikas ja pulbitsev, aga mitte enam ohtlik piirkond nagu mĂ”ned aastad tagasi, seetĂ”ttu enam mitte ka eriti odav.

Image010KĂ€isime vaatamas tapdancer Omar’i ja tema naist, kes vĂ€ikese lava peal pĂ€ris metsikult tantsisid. Sealsamas kĂ”rval asus jazziklubi St. Nick’s –  mulle tundub, et pĂ€ris tuntavalt gay jazzclub! Mustade gayde jazzclub! PĂ€ris enneolematu vaatepilt, sest ma eriti ei teagi jazzmuusikute hulgas gay’sid, kuuldavasti oli Billy Strayhorn ĂŒks, aga selliseid asju tavaliselt eriti ei rĂ”hutata ja ega vaja polegi. Aga mustad gayd? Polnud vist varem nĂ€inudki neid. VĂ€ga lahe klubi.

Image020Tuur Kanada koolilastega sai lĂ€bi ja edasi liikusime GP-ga Harlemist Sugar Bar’i, mis asus kusagil Midtownis.  GP sugulane tĂ€histas law-school‘i lĂ”petamist ja oli kutusunud mĂ”ned sĂ”brad vĂ€lja jazziklubide tuurile. Sugar clubis esines Black Betty oma bĂ€ndiga. SĂ”ime ja jĂ”ime kreooli toite, mina vĂ”tsin krevette valge veiniga. Kreooli köök ongi NYs praegu popp, olen ma aru saanud. Mul Ă”nnestus sel Ă”htul ise mitte kordagi maksta, mis on alati tore variant 😀 Kuigi Ameerikas on see raha teema pidevalt pĂ€evakorral ja inimesed jubedalt arvestavad ja rehkendavad. Paistab, et kellelgi eriti raha pole praegu.

Image030Siis sĂ”itisme taksoga Harlemisse tagasi, lĂ€ksime Bill’s Place’i, mis tĂ€hendaski pmst otseses mĂ”ttes, et lĂ€ksime Billi poole.  Bill on ĂŒks saksimees, kes reede Ă”htuti enda pool teeb jazziĂ”htuid, bring your own booze variandis. Selles samas majas oli juba 30ndatel-40ndatel hangimise ja jĂ€mmimise koht, kus tagaĂ”ues suitsetati ja tsillliti. TĂ€pselt sama tegime ka praegu, aastal 2009 :). Juba sisse astudes oli mulje maksimaalne – mĂ€ngis Grant Green Complete Quartets with Sonny Clarke album. Mida veel ĂŒhele hangile minnes tahta 🙂 ? PĂ€rast hakkas bĂ€nd mĂ€ngima ja see oli ka vĂ€ga hea, Bill on tĂ€itsa kĂ”va saksimees, meenutas mulle natuke Hank Mobley’t ja Coltrane’i. VĂ€hemalt mingis osas. VĂ€hem kompleksselt mĂ€ngis, aga tunne oli ĂŒlimalt ehe ja bĂ€nd swingis kĂ”vasti. And the drinks were plentyful , ĂŒldse oli vĂ€ga lĂ”bus. Uskumatu, et ka sel ajal on olemas kodused peod sellise live musaga. Seltskond osutus samuti vĂ€ga toredaks ja ma sain kĂ”vasti tĂ€helepanu, see Eesti vĂ€rk tundub kĂ”igile nii huvitav ja ma ise pole ka vist eriti tĂŒĂŒpiline tegelane 🙂 Koju jĂ”udsin umbes 4 AM.

Hmm.. aga metroos ma vist seekord mingit uut muusikat ei kuulnudki? … Ühte india sitari mĂ€ngijat nĂ€gin uuesti. NĂ€od hakkavad varsti korduma 😀

Written by Ines

May 9, 2009 at 11:55 pm